Ms. RishmaGirish BS AFD (2008 – 2011)
arrowIt’s been an immense pleasure to learn in MFT & we had a beautiful experience t ...
Mr. Abit Mohammed Kutty BS AFD (2006 – 2009)
arrowI have completed my three years degree course from MFT. After the completion of my course ...
Collaborations & Recognitions
Alagappa University Candidates
- The university examination shall be conducted as scheduled by the university.
- The candidates have to register for all paper of the respective semester/ year of the examinations.
- The controller of examination shall issue the application forms for the exam and hall ticket.
- The controller of examinations shall fix the examination fee.
- The student should get the no – due / no objection certificate and attendance certificate from the head of the institution while appearing for the examinations and for the completion of course.
Requirement of Attendance and Progress
A candidate will be deemed to have completed the course of any semester only if
- He/she has kept not less than 75% of attendance in the total number of working days of the semester concerned as a whole.
- His/her progress has been satisfactory and
- His/her conduct has been satisfactory
Candidates who do not qualify to appear for final examinations of any semester for want of attendance and / or progress must register for any redo the semester course at the next available opportunity.
- Student shall normally be allowed to appear for theory examination after submission of assignments/ completion of practical whenever prescribed at the end of the Program.
- Students are required to secure a minimum of 45 percent in the term end examination / practical examination and overall 50 percent (including assignment / internal marks) for successful completion of each course failing which they have to once again appear for the examination by paying exam fee.
- Internal assessments marks will be awarded as per guidelines framed by the university.
Practical Examination
- The term end practical examination will be conducted by an internal and an external examiner appointed by the university.
- The evaluation shall be on the basis of maintenance of practical manual/work book, conduct and result of the experiment and viva based on experiment and duration of the examination is three hours.
Classification of successful candidates
- Candidates who pass all the subjects and who secure 60 percent and above in aggregate of marks will be placed in the first class, those securing 50 percent and above but below 60 percent in the aggregate will be placed in the second class.
Other University Candidates
- University examinations are conducted twice a year in May / June and December / January at specified examination centers.
- Computer generated examination application forms and examination schedule will be sent directly to eligible students from the office of the controller of examination. After furnishing the required information as per the instruction and affixing the signature in the places earmarked on the application and the hall ticket, the filled in application forms should be sent directly to the controller of examinations on or before the stipulated date.
- The student appearing for the examination for the first time should register his/her name for all the subjects by remitting the prescribed fee. Candidates can appear for the arrear subjects by registering for the same as per the instruction given in the computer generated application forms and payment of the fee there for. The examination fee should be paid in the form of Bank challan or Demand draft drawn in favor of the University.
- Examinations centers will be intimated to the students hosted in the University Website by the controller of Examinations and the student s should specify their opted center of examination in the space provided in the computer generated application form. Students will not be permitted to change their examination centers once the examination applications are submitted.
- Students shall collect their hall tickets for the examination from the chief superintendent of the examination centre opted, on production of their identity cards during the three working days prior to the commencement of the examinations.
MFT Institute of Design Candidates
- The certificate courses examination shall be conducted as scheduled by the MFT.
- The student should get the no due / no objection certificate from the head of the institution while appearing for the examinations and for the completion of course.
- Student shall normally be allowed to appear for theory examination after submission of assignments/ completion of practical whenever prescribed at the end of the Program.
- The practical examination will be conducted by an internal and an external examiner appointed by the Institute.